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Greater Omaha Packing Launches Hereford Affidavit

Omaha, Neb., February 28, 2025 – Greater Omaha Packing is proud to announce the launch of a new Hereford Affidavit, designed to expand opportunities for producers and ensure that Hereford-influenced fat cattle can qualify for program premiums. This initiative aims to reward the genetic merit of Hereford-crossed cattle, increasing value at every level of the supply chain.
For decades, increased pigmentation within the Hereford breed has made it more challenging for Hereford-crossed cattle to meet the traditional 51% white face phenotype requirement. As a result, many cattle with strong Hereford genetics have been unable to qualify for associated premiums. The new affidavit provides a solution by allowing commercial cow-calf producers to certify the Hereford genetic influence of their calves, ensuring eligibility and making them more attractive for feedlots seeking to meet program requirements.
“This is a win-win for producers and feedlots,” said Dustin Schaaf, head cattle buyer at Greater Omaha Packing. “By verifying genetic merit rather than relying solely on visual phenotype, producers can unlock additional value for their calves, while feedlots can more easily qualify for program premiums.”
Greater Omaha Packing has developed this affidavit in partnership with the American Hereford Association to simplify the process and ensure that the true value of Hereford genetics is recognized throughout the beef supply chain. The affidavit provides a streamlined approach that benefits cow-calf producers, feedlots, and ultimately the beef industry.
Producers with Hereford-influenced feeder cattle are encouraged to reach out to Greater Omaha Packing, the American Hereford Association, or their seedstock supplier for more details on how to participate.

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